
Some years ago i was involved in migrating a big IBM Websphere monolith into a microservice landscape. We had a lot of problems with the monolith. Our development speed slowed down. We had many merge conflicts because of too many dependencies in the codebase. We outgrew the monolithic design and decided to introduce microservices. We extracted different domains like payment, booking, user and search. The teams were restructured into two-pizza teams.

The whole migration was very structured and well planned. We migrated incrementally with the strangler pattern. As long we were ~20 developers in 5 different teams, everything was fine. Teams worked independently in their domain. They could scale, deploy independently and followed their own release cycles.

But microservices bring new technical challenges. Maybe you know the saying:

Microservices solve organizational problems.

Microservices cause technical problems.

Peter Bourgon

Developers tend to ignore, forget or just simply do not know about these challenges. They are overwhelmed by the new opportunities in the shiny microservice world. In the following i want to present my experience what we underestimated or forgot in our microservice-migration.

Avoid a heterogeneous IT-landscape

Microservices give you a lot of freedom which technology to choose like programming language, database or web-framework. This is both boon and bane. On the one side every team can choose the technology which fits best, on the other side developers are adventurous and try out new fancy programming languages and other bleeding edge technology. And soon you have a dozen different tech stacks to support. Some teams build their own tech-knowledge silos. And don’t get me wrong here, it is totally fine if a team has its domain-knowledge silo, but it is not fine if the team is the only one in the company who uses a fancy programming language. At Google, they have thousands of engineers and they try to stick to only 4 languages in the backend. The supported languages are C++, Java, Python and Go, see Software Engineering at Google, Fergus Henderson. If a backend team wants to start with another language they need to argument very hard why they cannot fulfil their job with the company-wide supported languages. There is a clear decision-process in place how to introduce a new technology. This restricts the developers from using the newest bleeding-edge technology. Another advantage is that one can focus on business problems and avoid discussions about tech explorations etc. Your internal libraries need to be written in and supported for few languages. Developers will also have an easy time when they want to switch teams. Team rotation is encouraged, facilitates knowledge-transfer and pushes developers out of their comfort zone which makes them more valuable.

A technology radar serves as an overview for the supported tools, programming languages and platforms. A radar helps to keep track of all technology used in your company.

Have a good Monitoring/Tracing/Logging in place

We suffered sometime from logging problems because our ElasticSearch cluster was overloaded or some indices had conflicts. Logging is hard. Make sure you have clear logging-guildlines. Do not log too much, at best you have silent services, i.e. only log if a manual intervention is needed in case of an error. Logging is fine for debugging and error tracking in the development stage but it should not be overused in production. Be careful if your monitoring and alarming is based on logging. If your log-cluster is flooded, your monitoring will not work either!

Have strict rules for monitoring. No service should go into production without monitoring. With microservices you need transparency in order to do failure analysis or get notified if something is wrong. At least monitor the four golden signals:

  1. Latency. How high is the response time? Make sure you distinguish failed requests from successful requests. Failed requests can be fast and screw up your metrics.

  2. Traffic. How many Requests per second (RPS) do we serve?

  3. Errors. How high is the error rate?
    Number of error responses / Number of successful responses

  4. Saturation. How full is your service? CPU utilisation, memory consumption.

Don’t forget the 8 fallacies of distributed computing

Fallacies of distributed computing by Peter Deutsch

  1. The network is reliable.

    Your HTTP-calls will fail from time to time. So make sure you have some retry-mechanism in place. But do not retry naively! E.g. retries make no sense if the http response code is 400 BAD_REQUEST, no matter how often you try the request will never be successful. Neither you should do retries on POST requests, HTTP POST requests are by definition not idempotent and you could accidentally create a lot of resources like orders or trigger payments. Your customers will not be happy.

    You should also limit your retries, do not retry indefinitely, otherwise you can cause overload on other services, see cascading failures.

    Do not forget to protect your services with timeouts. Missing timeouts make I/O calls wait too long and if they pile up they consume all your memory or other resources like a thread pool. In the worst case you service will be killed by your docker scheduler because the memory limit is exceeded.

    For very high-load services you should consider load shedding or graceful degradation in order to protect these service from going down.

  2. Latency is zero.

    Network can be slow. You should clearly separate internal function calls from network calls. E.g. do not use network calls in loops. Better fetch everything with one network call.

// bad practice! Doing multiple network calls
function getUsers(userIds) {
  const users = [];
  for (id of userIds) {
    const user = http.fetchSingleUser(id);
  return users;

// good, only one network call
function getUsers(userIds) {
  return http.fetchUsers(userIds);
  1. Bandwidth is infinite.

    Use your bandwidth sparingly. E.g logging every http request and response is definitely too much. Do not use sql-statements like this: SELECT * from table, always select only required columns.

  2. The network is secure.

  3. Topology doesn’t change.

    Especially with self-healing services and docker random port usage, IP-addresses and ports change often. Do not use static IP-addresses or static ports. Use sophisticated service-discovery mechanisms. Many Docker-Scheduler provide them out-of-the-box like Kubernetes or Hashicorp’s Nomad. With AWS ECS you can use an AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) for service discovery.

  4. There is one administrator.

    Distributed systems are complex. Do not expect that there is one person who knows it all. For bug analysis you need multiple people or teams.

  5. Transport cost is zero.

    Network calls are expensive. You need to establish a connection, you need to serialize and deserialize the message body which cost CPU. The less you send the better. If you notice that you services are chatty, consider restructuring the domain boundaries. Most probably your domains do overlap or have multiple responsibilities.

  6. The network is homogeneous

    It’s not. Before docker, almost all applications ran on customized, “snowflaky” servers configured via non-reproducible ssh-session. With Kubernetes or AWS ECS you can have clusters with thousands of servers which are configured exactly the same. One single DevOps guy can operate thousands of servers! Therefore you should agree on a common cluster management tool with as few clusters as possible. Only then, you gain the real advantages of Docker. Further agree on a single data transfer format like JSON or Protocol Buffers with gRPC. Strive for as much homogeneity as possible to reduce operation and maintenance costs. In my opinion the homogeneity provided by Docker is its biggest advantage.

Other things to consider

  • Keep your domain boundaries clear and separated. Teams should always be able to deploy independently and without consulting other teams. You ever experienced a deployment where 3 or 4 services were involved and had to be deployed synchronously because of incompatibilities of API-versions or dependency on the same database. Congratulations you built a distributed monolith.

  • Have a good CI/CD pipeline with automatic tests and deployments. Make sure all teams use the same deployment and glue scripts. Use one cluster (Kubernetes, AWS ECS, Hashicorp Nomad) for the whole company (as long as you do not exceed hundreds of servers). This will keep the maintenance effort low.

  • If you have reusable modules/libraries, make sure you have transitive CI-builds

  • Adhere to good coding cloud-native practices, see 12-factor-app and Site Reliability Engineering


Microservices are hard. Do not forget this. In the web you hear mainly about the big success-stories like Google, Amazon and the like. But for the most of us there are serious disadvantages which are normally not mentioned. And do not get me wrong, microservices are great. It was definitely the way to go for us. Today we are more than 100 developers and it gives me the creeps when i imagine that all of them would work on single monolithic git-repository. It is a long and hard way to a productive microservice landscape but definitively worth it. Just do not underestimate monitoring, automation and the fallacies of distributed systems!